[Indefinite WIP]

Seb's Discourse Stuff

[ I plan to add multiple divisions to this stuff later, but for now, here's a good ctrl+f-able BYF rundown. ]I'm proship & sex-positive kink trash. My main fandoms are Be More Chill, IT, & (unfortunately) Harry Potter.I'm some form of anarcho-leftist. Usually, my adventures in discourse revolve around speaking out against radfems/radfem offshoots (including REGs & fanpol).Politically, I'm also a Bernie supporter who falls to the far left of him. Moderate Democrats may not be Literally Trump, they enabled both him & the systems that put him in power. That said, I usually vote a full Blue ticket in national elections.Full support for BLM (putting emphasis here on queer & disabled black lives, whose safety oft goes ignored), & I'm ACAB all the way to wanting full abolition of ICE, prison, & police.Speaking of abolition... to me, this will always mean being firmly in the harm reduction camp; like it or not, the worst offenders will always deserve human rights. If you truly want to stop suffering, you'll quit feeding into the hyper-nationalist, fascist, performative "all x must die" schtick & focus on the needs of survivors. Thought crimes help no one, nor does targeting a specific type of neurodivergence (or otherwise marginalized community). Those vilified for existing, rather than their actions, are a fucking scapegoat.That's why I'll be honest & admit upfront: I'm a MAP ally. No, I'm not a MAP. No, I'm NOT pro-contact. Yes, I'm a CSA survivor.